English Dictionary

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 eyes eyes /ˈaɪz/


  1. () Opinion or judgment  ( eyes )
    opinion or judgment
     In the eyes of the law
    in the eyes of the law
     I was wrong in her eyes
    I was wrong in her eyes

 eye eye /ˈaɪ/


  1. () The organ of sight  ( oculus , optic , eye )
    the organ of sight
     His eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to stare right through you
    His eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to stare right through you
  2. () Good discernment (either visually or as if visually)  ( eye )
    good discernment (either visually or as if visually)
     She has an eye for fresh talent
    she has an eye for fresh talent
     He has an artist's eye
    he has an artist's eye
  3. () Attention to what is seen  ( eye )
    attention to what is seen
     He tried to catch her eye
    he tried to catch her eye
  4. A small hole or loop (as in a needle)  ( eye )
    a small hole or loop (as in a needle)
     The thread wouldn't go through the eye
    the thread wouldn't go through the eye
  5. An area that is approximately central within some larger region  ( centre , eye , heart [British] , middle , center [American] )
    an area that is approximately central within some larger region
     It is in the center of town
    it is in the center of town
     They ran forward into the heart of the struggle
    they ran forward into the heart of the struggle
     They were in the eye of the storm
    they were in the eye of the storm


  1. () Look at  ( eyeball [Informal] , eye )
    look at
      She couldn't help but eye the delicious cake sitting on the kitchen counter.
    She couldn't help but eye the delicious cake sitting on the kitchen counter.